Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spring Cleaning!


Spring is here! And with Spring comes the endless reminders that we are supposed to be getting rid of the filth that is holding us back! It's the one time per year that we open up all our doors and windows and clean every crack, crease, and crevice. We throw out the old and make room for the fresh and new and pleasant!

Shouldn't this be done on a daily basis, not just the obligatory dates or required times?
Shouldn't we try to maintain a level of cleanliness and junk-free living?
Wouldn't it be easier and more beneficial to refresh and cleanse regularly than to let it all build up and try to do it all at once?

Oh, I am not talking about your house. No, no. I am talking about your life!
I am talking about your spiritual journey!

How often do we find ourselves waist deep in the world before we realize that we need to clean some stuff up in our lives? Too often, for me anyway. It's so easy to get distracted and deviate from where I KNOW I am supposed to be. You start slowly... you go a day without reading your Bible, you don't say a prayer here or there, you skip church one Sunday because you "need" a day off... before you know it, you are replacing the things and time you used to devote to God, with things and time devoted to the world. Doesn't God deserve better than that from us? Don't we want better for ourselves?

It's time to do some "Me Cleaning." Get rid of that filth that holds you back. Open up your heart and your mind and clean every crack, crease, and crevice. Throw out the old and make room for fresh and new. Renew yourselves daily in the Lord. Let Him create in you a new heart. Read His word and spend time with Him as often as you can.  

If you are too busy for God, you are too busy.


  1. How'd you get that picture of me?

  2. I second moms comment. I was doing good for a few weeks there. I was walking and having prayer time with just me and the babies, then that creepy guy... Now we don't walk, there's not much prayer. And i feel more disconnected. Gotta clean house.

    1. It's not fair that the habits that we should have are the hardest to commit to.... I guess that makes it more meaningful and purposeful in a way, huh?
