Sunday, October 5, 2014

Am I supposed to "feel it"?

I enjoy reading God's Word. I enjoy the heartfelt, tear-shedding, soul-bearing prayer life I have with Him. I finally found a church that I am willing to call "home".  I love learning! I love attending Bible Study! I love going to Life Group (small group study at church).... so why, then, do I find myself not wanting to participate as of late? Or.. not so much not "wanting" to participate.  More like not "feeling" it....

I feel like there is a lack of energy or effort put forth towards these things. And it's difficult for me to determine if my zeal is missing or others'...  I feel like every time I show up to Bible Study ready to learn and listen, nobody is there. There is a lack of participation, even so much so that the Bible Study leaders have a hard time showing up, which leaves me in a room by myself.  I find that there is no one passionate about going to church, only people going through the motions, so I feel funny when I seem to be the only one who is moved by the worship or the message. It seems as though people have become lazy with their responsibility within the church, which doesn't motivate me to volunteer at all. Or how about when I do volunteer and I am rejected? (That's a whole other blog post :/  ) The small group that I am a part of has very few reliable participants, which is discouraging when you look around and other peoples' groups are thriving.

Is it my age range?  Do people in their 30's lose some sort of dedication or desire towards their faith? Is this all in my head? Am I the only one who has noticed a drop in ambition?  I know that I shouldn't let the emotions, actions, or passions of other people affect the way that I serve and learn and grow spiritually... but where are the other passionate people?!?!  

How do YOU stay motivated or inspired to read the Word, pray, study, attend church, or grow spiritually?  In what ways do you try to motivate or inspire others around you? Is it necessary to "feel it"? Or is it pointless to do these things without fervor?